about us

General Medicine

General Medicine


At mydhili hospital, we general medicine team provide treatment for wide range, tarting from prevention of different diseases, diagnosis them and treatment of adult diseases.

Our services ranges from:-

prevention: Vaccination for different diseases like hepatitis-B, Flue and Influenza, Pneumonia (adult vaccine), typhoid and others.

Diagnosis: Of different medical conditions like Diabetis, Hypertension, different fevers, and other common elements along with Gastroenterological problems, respiratory illness, neurological and cardiovascular problems

Treatment: Once diagnosed is made our team give most updated treatment.

Health checkups: We have total body health checkups which we even customize for every person according to his need.

Causality: Any hospitals first receiving unit, here at our Mydhili hospital causality is well equipped with start of art in fracture and able team of doctors to handle wide Varity of conditions like common illness, minor and major traumas, stabilizing emergencies cases and directing them to appropriate wings for further management.

ICU and Critical care: Our team manages ICU and also supports critical care with the help of senior consultants, a wide range of medical emergencies like snake bite, pesticide poisoning and other problems.

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