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Infertility affects men and women at equal rates. There are many causes of infertility, and 25 percent of infertile couples have multiple contributing factors .



Before you are treated for infertility, you and your partner must be evaluated by a doctor. Several testing procedures may be performed to identify the cause or causes of infertility.

Possible procedures include:

Blood tests

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Ultrasound scans

Medical history

Physical examination

Semen analysis

Diagnostic laparoscopy


Treatment options include:

Ovulation induction: medications are given to cause ovulation to occur and/or stimulate the number of eggs released .

Surgery: to open fallopian tubes or repair reproductive organs

Assisted reproductive technologies include:

Artificial insemination: placing sperm in the cervix or uterus without intercourse .

donor eggs are fertilized in vitro (in a dish) with a woman's partner's sperm .

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): placing one sperm directly into an egg to fertilize it .

In vitro fertilization (IVF): fertilizing eggs and sperm in a laboratory and placing the fertilized egg(embryo) into the uterus .

Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT): placing eggs and sperm in the fallopian tube during laparoscopy .

Surrogacy: the use of another woman's to carry the pregnancy .

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